Monday, July 01, 2024

Training to See and Help Like Jesus

By Laura Springer

Key Passage: 1 John 3:16-18

Key Idea: Training together to see and help like Jesus involves shared responsibility, nurturing connections, and mercy-soaked perspectives, combining our full range of skills and knowledge to love one another and our neighbors well.

In today's world, where reliance on machines for assistance grows, it's crucial to cultivate a community of Jesus-followers who prioritize genuine friendship and practical love. Our world needs love infused with mercy and kindness, capable of flexible responses that adapt to diverse situations. While machines can offer substantial help, they lack a human touch. A world looking to machines for help and gathering over digital devices needs a community of servants trained by Jesus to love face-to-face. 

Let us train together to serve others by seeing them as Christ does. See others by building meaningful relationships within nurturing partnerships and friendships with fellow believers. Care for each other as siblings and friends. Care for our neighbors through mercy-soaked eyes that recognize each person as an image bearer of God and interpret everything through his grace and compassion. 

Let us train together to serve others by helping those we see. Embrace the shared responsibilities he has given. Take up the duty to serve with the skills and knowledge he has provided. Hold fellow believers and the church community accountable for how God has equipped us to serve those around us. Learn the basics and the advanced things in your skills to train for adaptable service that can address diverse needs using our congregation's varied skills and knowledge. Design activities that engage all the siblings in Christ-centered ministry. Embrace life together as siblings in God's family, commanded to love and share Jesus with fellow believers and our neighbors. 

When people in the neighborhoods near Carson Street and Manuel Avenue see our church buildings, we want their immediate thought to be, "The people who worship there genuinely love Jesus, each other, and our community." Let's train together to be that family of believers, demonstrating love through kind actions and mutual support. In today's tech-dominated world, let's prioritize face-to-face and soul-to-soul relationships, for just as Jesus came as a human to save humanity, so we ought to come alongside others as fellow humans and walk with them in their journeys.

Who writes Academy? Laura has an MDiv in Christian Education, a ThM in Systematic Theology, and a PhD in Educational Studies. She also serves TFB as a guitarist (primarily) and singer in TFB's worship band. Jeff has a Certificate in Biblical and Theological Studies and is currently working on an MA in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care. He also serves as kitchen lead for TFB's Family Dinner and as TFB’s bookkeeper. 

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