Sunday, June 04, 2023

Church is the One Family of God

By Jeff Barnhart with Laura Springer

Key Verses: Matthew 12:46–50; Mark 3:31–35; Luke 8:19–21; Matthew 19:29; 2 Corinthians 6:18; Ephesians 1:5; Galatians 4:4-7; Romans 8:29

Key Idea: Christ's intention that Christians put spiritual family first requires them to carry out God's mission as a committed family and live alongside one another as siblings who put one another before self and make space for relationship.

God is a relational being and has created humanity to be in a relationship with Him and each other. Out of all the social structures, the family is an essential and critical aspect of God's plan. Though the Western church elevates the nuclear family and the marital bond, God's design before the foundation of the world was to unite all believers into His family—the church. Thus, He elevated the spiritual sibling bond. As Scripture says, God has predestined us for adoption to Himself as sons and daughters through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will.

Jesus states that those who follow the will of God are His family. But what does it mean to do the will of God? The will of God is the incredible plan God has implemented through Jesus' death and resurrection, in which one is called upon to participate in an ultimate denial of self and an altering of one's life to God's will. What is God's supreme will? It is to love God, love others, and teach others to do the same.

When we are adopted into the family of God and made siblings to Christ and one another, we are called/commanded to keep denying ourselves and aligning ourselves with Christ. And because we are sons and daughters, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts allowing us to cry, "Abba, Father!" We must remember we are no longer slaves but children and heirs through God. As heirs, we are promised an inheritance and a multitude of siblings. Jesus spoke of this when he told Peter that those that leave everything behind to follow Him would receive a hundred-fold of brothers, sisters, and mothers.

Jesus intended for His followers to exchange all their loyalties, including their devotion to their family, for His family, the church. What does that look like? First, it is not neglecting our biological family but being loyal to and prioritizing those of the family of God. We must reclaim this truth that our relationships with our siblings in Christ should take precedence over our biological families. Second, a conscious decision needs to be made to commit to a local church and do the one anothers of Scripture to help each other and ourselves to become more like Christ. Therefore, we need to make time in our schedules for each other to allow time for spiritual family.

We must strive for unity and love within the family. As siblings, we must choose to live with all our brothers and sisters regardless of our differences, such as age, gender, social or marital status, denomination, or our views on secondary and tertiary issues. We need to celebrate the diversity of the family while having our gaze remain focused on God and Christ. This is the only way we can radiate God's love to each other. When this is accomplished, it will attract non-believers because the love of God, which permeates throughout us, will be irresistible to them and bring ultimate glory to God our Father.

Who writes Academy? Laura has an MDiv in Christian Education, a ThM in Systematic Theology, and a PhD in Educational Studies. She also serves TFB as a guitarist (primarily) and singer in TFB's worship band. Jeff has a Certificate in Biblical and Theological Studies, a Certificate in Spiritual Formation, and is currently working on an MA in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care. He also serves as kitchen lead for TFB's Family Dinner, co-lead in the Young Adult Ministry, and as TFB’s bookkeeper.