Sunday, October 04, 2020

Following the Spirit in Mission

by Laura Springer, Th.M., Ph.D.

Key Passage: Ephesians 6:10-20

Supplementary Passages: Matthew 28


The world is messy; parts of it are downright evil. Amid the mess, God is at work, God is good, and God is in control.

Let us make disciples amid the mess. In the context of this mess, our God-given mission remains to make disciples, and God’s enemy opposes this mission. But the battle belongs to God, and he has supplied us with the necessary defensive and offensive equipment. Our part is to take up this equipment and be in constant, trusting contact with the Spirit.

On our own, we are too weak. Our human weapons do not work. Our only option is putting on the new humanity and taking up the armor of God. We must also gain skill in the Word of God and maintain constant prayer. Then we can minister alongside the Spirit in the context of this battlefield.

Let us follow the Spirit. As those who follow the Spirit, we remain watchful to the point of sleeplessness. We study and think together to increase our understanding of God and his ways. We learn to consider others as more important than ourselves. We increasingly rely on the Spirit, who makes us able.

As those who follow the Spirit, we pray as worship, proclaiming God’s wonder and works back to him. We fill the gaps in knowledge that our prayers have exposed. We trust the Spirit to help us sharpen and teach one another. We realize that no one of us is sufficient to display before the world God’s amazing glory and grace.

As those who follow the Spirit, we pray out of need. We know our perspectives need correction. We come to see that we all have needs and that Jesus is willing and able to help in time of need. We stand alongside any brother or sister whose life has made worship difficult. We rely on God and one another as we together live out the great variety of gifts the Spirit has given.

As those who follow the Spirit, we stand for truth. We see that all truth is God’s truth, for he is the creator and ruler of all. We submit to the Spirit, for only in him can we know and do the truth.

As those who follow the Spirit, we wield Scripture as God’s chosen weapon. We come to trust the Spirit’s illumination of Scripture, and we know that we cannot stand against the darkness unless we partner with him.

Let us be on mission with the Spirit. The mission is not optional, nor is it cozy.  But Jesus commanded his followers to join his mission. Father and Son sent the Spirit to fill, enable, teach, guide, and partner with us on this mission. As we obey the Spirit, we partner with him and carry out God’s mission in this messy world.