Sunday, January 06, 2019

We are in this together

by Laura Springer, Th.M., Ph.D.

“Time to go to church.” It's a useful phrase, and we know what we mean. But what happens if we change it up a bit and say, “Let's be church”? All of a sudden things are a bit different. Location is less important. Possible church activities are without number. All of a sudden there are more questions to ask and fewer routines to fall back on. The phrase helps us realize that we are Kingdom of God Messengers (2 Corinthians 5). So, we continually decide to honor God in all we do and think, commit ourselves to remain faithful to him in all of life, and serve him by serving in the church and as the church.

Decide to honor God in all we do and think. The only evidence-based decision regarding our response to God is the decision to honor and thank him as God (Romans 1:18-23). This is true for humans, whether Christian or not. Christians decide to honor God in all of life—especially in the ordinary dailies. We honor God by carrying out our two main tasks: worshiping God and making disciples.

Commit ourselves to remain faithful to Christ in all of life. As followers of Christ, we make the commitment to trust him with all we are and do. This is the substance of our assurance that God will do what he promises and the conviction that trust in God is more true than physical sight (Hebrews 11:1). This faithfulness, worked out and proclaimed in the context of ordinary life, proclaims the Kingdom to our neighbors. Our individual lives of faithfulness shape our communal life as TFB, for we are members one of another. Therefore, every gathering, from formal worship to business meeting, and every act, from balancing the books to sharing the Gospel, becomes an opportunity to focus on God and bring him glory. Faithfulness has the capacity to shape every moment.

Serve Christ by serving IN the church. As followers of Christ, we serve in the church and as the church. In the church, we serve one another so that together we might mature as a church, becoming more like Christ through the ministry of every member (Ephesians 4:11-16). As we gather for worship, the bond among members and between each member and Christ is strengthened. Every time we gather, we have an opportunity to serve one another and help each other grow as disciples.

Serve Christ by serving AS the church. As the church, we serve as ambassadors of reconciliation, proclaiming the message that God is in the world, reconciling the world to himself through Christ (2 Corinthians 5:16-21). Through our words, actions, and values we proclaim that the Kingdom of God is here. We disperse for service, proclaiming the kingdom of God in those places through word and deed.

Whether gathered as worshipers or dispersed as ambassadors, we are the church and members one of another. By gathering, we grow as ambassadors of reconciliation. By dispersing, we live as worshipers.

Decide. Commit. Serve. These three acts can fill a lifetime with the glory of God, yet we do them moment by moment. Each day brings new opportunities to worship God and make disciples. Each gathering brings new opportunities to help one another do this just a little bit better.

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