Sunday, April 30, 2023

Church is the One Temple of God

Key Passages: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; Ephesians 2:19-22

Key Idea: The church is the one Temple of God, formed by his presence to be his eternal dwelling and the place in which his people love him, love people, and teach others to do the same.

We live in a world of distractions, some good and some bad, which can capture our attention and turn our faces away from God. Individualism is prioritized, and community is too often neglected. Consumerism tempts us to look at everything and everyone as a resource for our own gain. Siblings, it ought not to be so among us, for we are the people of God.

God is with and among his people forever, uniting them as one people who live together in God's presence toward one shared purpose: love. God calls and forms his singular and unique church into a temple comprising all who trust Christ and only those who trust Christ. He alone chooses, protects, and disciplines this global and local, timely and timeless church. He alone is God-with-us, the source and center of our life.

As the temple of God, the church is the dwelling place of the Spirit, making division both impossible and despicable. Indeed, God the Spirit will bring destructive consequences on any who divide his church and profane God's temple. God gives every Christian a ministry assignment that builds up the Body of Christ, so we may serve alongside our siblings to maintain the church's unity, live worshipfully, and carry out our duties as priests.

The people of God form the temple where God dwells, and his people lead others in worship. Christians are valued structure set aside to bring God glory. Neither the physical building nor the gatherings form this structure. We do. Christians across time and space, generation and language, denomination and tradition, are one temple with a unity that never ends and never fails. This temple is secure in Christ, for we are his building, his temple, and he is our foundation and cornerstone. He holds us together forever and builds us up to be like him.

Since we together form the very temple of God, how should we live in this world? Our love for God and identity as his temple demand that we prioritize and practice Christ-centered worship and make time to be present with our siblings. (1) This love stands against the consumerism that tries to infect the church with works righteousness and the judgmentalism of personal preferences. We live by grace, so we treat one another with grace: the preferences of others and the needs of the Body come before ours. (2) This love stands against cultural individualism that tries to attack the mutual care and unity of the church. As God's one temple, the church remains a community of priests and siblings who choose to love one another. While individualism may try to turn us inward and trap us in silos, we choose to share our diversity as fellow priests of God, united as one in Christ. In him, we live as one building, one dwelling of God, one temple, declaring his glory everywhere. (3) This love stands against the distractions that can turn our faces and turns them into prayers to our Father, ways to worship him together wherever we are, and new ideas for ministry in the world. The sum of it all is this: as his temple, we reflect God's splendor and weightiness by pointing to him, not ourselves.

Who writes Academy? Laura has an MDiv in Christian Education, a ThM in Systematic Theology, and a PhD in Educational Studies. She also serves TFB as a guitarist (primarily) and singer in TFB's worship band. Jeff has a Certificate in Biblical and Theological Studies and is currently working on an MA in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care. He also serves as kitchen lead for TFB's Family Dinner, co-lead in the Young Adult Ministry, and as TFB’s bookkeeper.

For additional discussion see the following Musings by Laura:

Saturday, April 08, 2023

Present God, Our God

by Laura Springer

Key Passages: Deuteronomy 6.4-‬9; Haggai 2.5-9; 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 2 Corinthians 5.1-5]; Ephesians 1.3-14; 2:19-22; Philippians 4.6-7

Key Idea: Because God is present with and for his people, starting now as the indwelling Spirit and continuing eternally in our face-to-face presence with Father, Son, and Spirit, those who trust him can live with courage and generosity.
God is present with his people, for God the Spirit lives in each and all who trust Jesus. He is with us now and through eternity. Because he is in us, our bodies are temples where God is worshiped. Because God is among us, we together are God's building.

God is present for his people as our strong protector and capable carer. He gives us the courage to come to him and rest and forms us from the inside out to dwell in his presence forever. He has covenanted to be our one God and make us his one people. Therefore, he blesses us beyond measure and comforts us beyond understanding. His affection for us spills out in our affection for one another and our care for the world.

God is present with and for us right now. He abides in us, so we need not wait to abide in God. He is right here to comfort and correct, to guide and restore. We can do whatever ministry assignments he has given us, for he equips us with capacity and opportunity. We can become the people he has called us to be, for he will bring salvation to its glorious end.

Best of all, the presence of God that starts now continues forever and gets better, for all who trust God will live face-to-face with Father, Son, and Spirit forever. No matter what is happening in our moments, our end is sure, and that end is a life of love and service in God's direct presence.

So, let us come to him and rest in him as stained imagers bringing blunt mutterings and messy whole-self abiding. We need not and cannot clean ourselves up. We come just as we are, deciding day by day, and sometimes moment by moment, to live in his direction. So, let us keep choosing to direct our minds, will, and emotions toward his glory and by his grace. Let us rest in his ability and do our work without fear. Let us give of ourselves generously; his presence supplies everything we need.

Who writes Academy? Laura has an MDiv in Christian Education, a ThM in Systematic Theology, and a PhD in Educational Studies. She also serves TFB as a guitarist (primarily) and singer in TFB's worship band.