By Laura Springer
Key Idea: God declares to those he has chosen, You will be my people, and I will be your God. Our God makes us the one people of God in Christ. Therefore, we who trust Christ are the one people of the one God, called and commanded to think and behave in ways that live out that identity.
We live in a culture where differences are too often magnified. Sometimes the differences are small; sometimes, they are big. Brothers and sisters, this ought not to be so for God's people. We are the people of the one God, Father, Son, and Spirit. We, who are many, are one Church in Christ. We are his people, and he is our God.
God declares to those he has chosen, You will be my people, and I will be your God (Exodus 6:7; Revelation 21:3). From the beginning of the story, when God chose the children of Abraham, to the end of the story when God declares he will live forever with all who are his, he is our God, and we are his people. He was present with Israel in the tabernacle. He was present when the Son lived (tabernacled: John 1:14) as a human among us. He is present now, as the Spirit lives within and among us, transforming our time-bound bodies into eternal tabernacles ready for eternity in God's presence (2 Corinthians 5:1-5). Finally, the Father awaits our eternal presence in his house, where he will forever tabernacle with his people (Revelation 21:3).
The church is the one people of God in Christ (Galatians 3:23-29). Across time, geography, culture, and language, the church is one family, the children of the one Father (John 1:12-13). She is one freed people in the Son, who bought us with his blood (1 Peter 1:17-21). She is one through the indwelling Spirit, who forms bonds among believers and between believers and Christ (Ephesians 4:1-6). Being present with God and one another is part of who we are, and we have a holy obligation to keep our bonds in good repair. All believers have this duty, whether they are pastors, deacons, or members.
We who trust Christ are the one people of the one God, called and commanded to think and behave in ways that live out that identity. Pastors and other spiritual leaders live out this identity by leading others into God's presence in ways that tend toward oneness in Christ. Ministry leaders and other decision-makers live out this identity by working with their teams to create spaces, events, and standards that encourage people to be present with God and one another. All believers live out this identity by taking responsibility for making others welcome whenever the church gathers by choosing to connect with those outside their core group. All have the responsibility to maintain the unity formed by God.
Who writes Academy? Laura has an MDiv in Christian Education, a ThM in Systematic Theology, and a PhD in Educational Studies. She also serves TFB as a guitarist (primarily) and singer in TFB's worship band.