Key Idea: Since Christians are priests with a duty to declare the truth in worship, testify to the truth in public, and talk with God truthfully about everything, let us immerse ourselves in his Word of truth and serve wherever we are with our eyes fixed on Jesus.
Our identity is in Christ, our Great High Priest, and our duty is to him. He has called us as priests, and our service is toward him. Each Christian has the responsibility to carry out the priestly duties belonging to this call, beginning with resting our identity in Christ alone and focusing on him. Then we are ready to carry out the primary duties of praise, proclamation, and prayer.
Priests have a duty to praise. Praise is God-directed action that glorifies him by declaring the truth about him in the presence of others. Praise often uses words; sometimes the words are set to music. Whether words, music, or actions, worship is always toward God and often for the benefit of others. It is the overflowing that happens when whole lives are filled with God’s Word, and that indwelling Word goes out into the body of Christ, proclaiming Jesus and challenging our siblings to become more like him.
Priests have a duty to proclaim. Proclamation is ready testimony before our siblings and the world about what we know to be true about God. For many of us, proclaiming Jesus has some hurdles, for, in addition to our general nervousness, there are real enemies out there. But we need not fear, for in Christ we are secure. When we immerse ourselves in his Word and focus on him, we are able to focus on being Christ’s holy temple and kingdom of priests in the world. We are able to remain ready with his truth when questions or opposition arise. Our job as priests is to follow Christ and proclaim him, being willing to suffer for doing good while maintaining a gracious and gentle demeanor, for our protection is in his capable hands.
Priests have a duty to pray. Prayer is simple, honest talk with God about ourselves, others, and the world. Now, having a simple, honest talk with an invisible God can be tough. It can become a mere ritual or slip into neglect. Yet it remains one of our foremost duties as priests of God. We can pray well by relying on the Spirit and immersing ourselves in the Bible. We must rely on the Spirit, for he intercedes on our behalf with groans of concern when we simply do not have the words. Alongside the Spirit's prayer on our behalf, our own immersion in Scripture infuses us with God's truth, which the Spirit uses to reveal the things for which we ought to pray.
The first priority of priestly ministry is keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, our Great High Priest, and immersion in his Word is one necessary way to do this. But we must not stop there, for action must follow. As we gather, may the indwelling Word pour forth in praise that glorifies God with the truth and disciples our fellow Christians toward a deepening relationship with Christ. As we disperse into daily life, may the indwelling Word pour forth in behavior and speech that proclaims Jesus and reflects his grace and mercy. In all of this, let us talk with God about everything, for Jesus abides in us, and we abide in him.