Sunday, January 03, 2021

Becoming a Community that Glorifies

By Laura K. Springer, Th.M., Ph.D.

What might it take to be the sort of church that glorifies God no matter the circumstance?

Becoming this sort of church begins with answers to three questions.

What does the Scripture teach about the sort of community God intends? Answering this question will take us to three groups: humanity, Israel, and the church. God created humankind as his image-bearers, a God-glorifying representation of him in creation (Genesis 1:26-31). He formed and delivered Israel so that Israel might glorify him (Isaiah 43:1-7; 44:21-23). God has called peoples from all nations and languages to himself through Messiah to be the church, the new humanity that glorifies him forever (John 17:22-23; Ephesians 2:13-16; 3:20-21). 

What might it look like to glorify God by loving God and loving people? Those who trust Christ are one with God and with each other in relationships of love. We live out this love through the structures and practices of our faith communities. Structures like leadership and ministry programs ought to portray the oneness and love we see in Father, Son, and Spirit. Practices like worship service, small groups, and service teams support our life together as the people of God. Those in the faith community need to understand how these structures and practices portray God’s glory and support our love for God and people.

What might it look like to glorify God by teaching others to love God and love people? Teaching others to love God and love people, whether we are gathered as a body or dispersed into the God-given mission field of daily life, forms us as a community of believers that glorifies God in all we do. We glorify the Father by proclaiming salvation in Messiah through our character, actions, and words. We glorify the Son by loving people and proclaiming the Kingdom, just like he did in his earthly ministry. We glorify the Spirit by helping people follow him.

In 2021, we will explore these questions together.
  • What does the Scripture teach about the sort of community God intends? 
  • What might it look like to glorify God by loving God and loving people? 
  • What might it look like to glorify God by teaching others to love God and love people?