Sunday, August 12, 2018

Exegesis—Studying and Understanding the Word

by Laura Springer, Th.M., Ph.D.

This year we have seen that the Bible is God's written revelation of himself (revelation), co-written with his apostles and prophets, such that the words they wrote were exactly what he intended to say (inspiration). We have seen that it is true and not false (inerrancy) and has an authority that has been discerned by the people of God (canonicity).  We have seen that the Spirit illuminates our minds and the Scripture (illumination) as we work to understand the meaning of God's Word and its call upon our lives (interpretation). Exegesis is the process by which we uncover that God-intended meaning.

Biblical exegesis asks three questions.

What does it say?
   Understand the big picture of the whole text by reading it at least a dozen times, each time in a single sitting.
   Read the text again, looking for clues about the author, original readers, and circumstances.
   Create an outline of the text by reading while looking for the text’s main divisions.
   Study the text sentence by sentence within paragraphs, understanding the words and grammar.

What did it mean? (and What does it mean?)
   Summarize the text by writing one sentence that states the subject of the paragraph and what the paragraph says about that subject.
   Review your findings and list the main themes expressed in the text.

How should I/we respond?
   Spend time thinking and praying about the text and your findings until the meaning of the text has sunk deeply into your soul.
   Consider the significance of the meaning of the text for your life and the life of those in your community by comparing your culture and circumstances with the culture and circumstances of the original readers.
   Remember, what it meant for them it means for you. The significance in your life will always align with that meaning.

We save the most important point for last: The God-intended meaning of a text is not an end in itself. Rather, understanding the meaning of Scripture is the beginning of living out our worship of him in everything we do, think, and feel.

Go Deeper

Sunday, August 05, 2018

Hermeneutics—Principles to Study By

by Laura Springer, Th.M., Ph.D.

What are interpretation, exegesis, and hermeneutics and how are they related? Sport can serve as an analogy: interpretation is the sport, exegesis is the game, and hermeneutics is the rulebook. In July, we talked about interpretation: the sport. In September, we will talk about exegesis: the game. This month is about hermeneutics: the rulebook. Bible study has rules, and we need to understand those rules or study will not be what it is supposed to be: understanding the truth the original authors intended to communicate.

Hermeneutics is the science of interpretation and produces the set of assumptions and principles we bring to interpretation. These assumptions and principles arise at the intersection of the doctrine of Scripture and the study of language and literature. Some basic principles are as follows.

   The Bible is the first and best source for interpreting itself. Read and understand the text before consulting Bible helps like introductions, commentaries, and handbooks.
   Study the specific passage and its immediate context and arrive at some initial conclusions before consulting other passages.
   The meaning of a passage is communicated through the text in context. Stick with the text itself in its grammatical, historical, and cultural context. Don't import ideas from outside
   The grammar and structure of sentences and paragraphs matter. So, yes, it's a bit like English class.
   The meaning of each portion of Scripture always aligns with its immediate context, the book in which it is found, and the teaching of Scripture as a whole.
   Consult clear passages to help interpret difficult passages. Understand what the authors of each passage intended to communicate to the original readers, then align each interpretation with the teaching of the whole of Scripture. This will eliminate the alleged conflict.

Understanding the intended meaning of Scripture requires effort. This is not surprising, for the Bible is an ancient book written in languages that are not our own by authors from cultures unlike our own. There is a good deal of difference to traverse. But there is good news. The Bible is also authored by God, and his Spirit illuminates the text and our minds as we trust him. God wants us to understand his Word, but we must do our part. Following good hermeneutical principles is part of our responsibility. So, as we approach the study of Scripture let us uncover and understand our assumptions, correcting them as needed. Let us approach the text as the very Word of God, which it is.